In no particular order…

  • True Romance

    • Starring names such as: Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, James Gandolfini, Christopher Walken and Gary Oldman.. just to name a few but the cast is way more stacked.

    • Written by Quentin Tarantino (before Pulp Fiction and after Reservoir Dogs) and given to Tony Scott to direct.

  • Casino

    • A Martin Scorsese classic starring Robert DeNiro, Sharon Stone, and Joe Pesci.

    • Probably my favorite Scorsese film in general.

  • Pulp Fiction

    • Probably finds it’s way on everyones favorite list but it’s an instant classic. Quentin Tarantino’s writing style is unmatched and something only he can do.

  • Scarface

    • I’ve probably seen this movie half-a-dozen times and it never get’s old. I love “slow burn” films.

This is the unconventional “Top 4” list because I can’t decide on a solid number five. With so many good films out there to choose from I just want to love them all equally. But more recently I watched “Lost in Translation” which can easily take that spot but in the running would “Knocked Up” with Set Rogen, “Hustle and Flow” the Craig Brewer classic starring Terence Howard as a pimp with a mid-life crisis, or “Ex-Machina” the directorial debut by Alex Garland who is known for films such as “The Beach” and “28 Days Later”.

Feel free to post your list and thoughts below!

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